Serious and available supplier

" is an online store supplying all of Europe. They became my main supplier of edible insect almost 2 years ago. The quality of both their service and their products allied with the fact their performance is really good, made me decide to go on working with them despite the arrival of several competing businesses. They offer the widest range of products found in Europe and are able to adapt to specific and different queries for each order or specific needs."

Very quick delivery

"As a Parisian restaurant's owner with a strong demand and a need for express delivery, became my de facto exclusive partner and supplier for edible insects. Their offer high quality products meeting all and every health standards which I am entitled to expect as a restaurant. Delivery is extremely quick too. Entomophagy is not just a trend, it is in the process of taking an increasingly important place and this website is bound to become your main supplier of edible bugs."

Very efficient Wholesaler, the best one in Europe

"I was looking for wholesalers in Europe and when I found, I was at first surprised but quickly got impressed at the very efficient methods with which they conduct business. They are able to ship orders all over the world at the shortest notice too."

My exclusive supplier for the last 3 years

"I have worked with this shop for 3 years now. Their reliability and the quality of their products is what allowed them to become a key player in the sector of edible insects in France and abroad."

International orders are swift and customer service is top notch !

"Based in Germany, I was first afraid my orders wouldn't be considered to be a priority, but I was really surprised when I received a quick answer to every of my demands and questions. They are able to accomodate any of my requirements like making new labels in german or shipping to international destination in less than 72 hours. I am impressed by and hopeful for this brand and I shall continue dealing with them as edible insects' business continue to grow."