Do you know what's a beetles? Did you know there are over 350,000 different beetle species in the world, as different from each others than pigs from men? Their name comes from the Greek "Koleos" (meaning 'the sheath') and "pteron" (meaning the 'wing'). Some are herbivorous, other scavengers or predators. If you find some ladybugs, beetles or stag beetles (also called 'kite') in your garden, you now know that they are all called 'beetle'.


A few words about those charming edible insects

All beetles share four common characteristics. They are all equiped with "elytra", which are thick forewings appearing along their back and allow them to efficiently protect their abdomen area against external aggressions. Beetles are also equipped with hind-wings that, when at rest, fold themselves allowing them to relax a bit. They also have powerful jaws capable of crushing many kind of foods. Unlike many other species of insects, they carry on through life by undergoing a complete metamorphosis cycle. Born from an egg, they become small larvaes and then pupa before reaching adulthood, at last. These four stages of life are the norm for beetles in general. You can found them in abundance in forests, fields and near wetlands. But you can also find some on your balcony or in your garden too. Look for them in flower clay pots or under big stones and you will probably find some small ladybird or a beetle surprised to be awakened.

Unfortunately, some recent studies have shown that deforestation and lack of dead wood is one of the main reason that of pushed them to migrate from their traditional habitat. But thanks to their ability to adapt quicily to new surroundings, they get used quickly to urban areas and artificial environment.

Beetles : a real contribution to sustainable development worldwide

Many new rural or Sunday gardeners find it necessary to kill insects and beetles in particular. However, there is no valid reason to destroy our little friends , quite the contrary. A beetle is as clean as any adult and participates in the balance of our environment. If man wants to live with nature , it must coexist with insects and animals . This common life must be peaceful and harmonious . Despite a different appearance from ours , beetles have great utility . First, it has been proven to be necessary for the food chain. Furthermore, their activity is beneficial to our planet. For example , ladybugs destroy caterpillars and aphids, which devour our gardens and our vegetables. Imagine the consequences of their disappearance ? We would be invaded by caterpillars and forced to spread many harmful pollutants and insecticides to the environment, to preserve our crops . Ladybug (like other beetles ) is useful to man and fulfills an essential mission because it cleans the nature of different predators and many parasites. Other insects of the same family we dispose of decaying matter such as dead plants or old mushrooms. Without them , there would be dramatic consequences for our food and our health. We must therefore protect beetles , including limiting some too powerful insecticides they do not support and contribute to their destruction.